發起人 Richard      2010-05-20 12:20:47 IP:211.23.188.***
裝潢費太高? 方案不清? 沒人聯絡我? 收入太低?
回應者:Richard      2010-05-21 19:55:57 IP:211.23.188.***
回覆 May 於 2010-05-21 13:26:39 的發文內容:
I did have them done interior decoration for my unit. I thought after the unit is ready that A-Just will actively rent out my unit. But they did not contact me at all. I am the one keep on calling them and eventually get some information. They showed me if I rent out the unit for NT38,000, the net amount I will get is only NT24000. IF the unit is vacant I still have to pay around NT5000 on a Monthly basis plus mortgage.
物業管理費 2,079
安捷資產管理費 1,386
房務清潔費 3,600
保險攤提 117
網路費 550
第四台費 550
安捷仲介服務費 15%

I think A-Just's charge is unreasonably high (even for finding a long term tenant)

I got the point. I will try to talk with them.
回應者:May      2010-05-21 13:26:39 IP:75.54.22.***
I did have them done interior decoration for my unit. I thought after the unit is ready that A-Just will actively rent out my unit. But they did not contact me at all. I am the one keep on calling them and eventually get some information. They showed me if I rent out the unit for NT38,000, the net amount I will get is only NT24000. IF the unit is vacant I still have to pay around NT5000 on a Monthly basis plus mortgage.
物業管理費 2,079
安捷資產管理費 1,386
房務清潔費 3,600
保險攤提 117
網路費 550
第四台費 550
安捷仲介服務費 15%

I think A-Just's charge is unreasonably high (even for finding a long term tenant)


材質變化×療癒系豪宅,回家就有... 超實用小宅 吹起流行風 讓人眼睛一亮的「清爽居家」設計